Sunday, September 13, 2015


"'One Upon a Time'
is Timeless"

Bookworm's Ranking - 4 Worms

Storyline - Rapunzel has lived her whole life peacefully with a witch who has loved her like a daughter, despite her ever bald head, the one thing she wish was different. But, when things get difficult in town, it is the witch they blame and they have to run with the help of the Tinker and his assistant, their only friends. That is when Rapunzel learns the truth of what the witch wishes of her, to help her free her real daughter who is imprisoned in a tower. As time begins to run out, Rapunzel will have to dig deep to find the truth of love and beauty before the witch's daughter with the long golden hair is trapped forever.

Author - Cameron Dokey

Publisher - Simon Pulse; an imprint of Simon and Schuster

Age Group - 15 and up

Content - *May Contain Spoilers* Some magic spells and curses. Needing to over come jealousy and own self concerns. Accepting who oneself is and helping others.

Personal Opinion - This is a unique way of retelling the fairy tale of Rapunzel. I think it did a good job of examining love, what it truly is outside of the whimsical way we think of it, and even beauty. It really did a fine job of challenging those ideas into something real. I would recommend it for that reason. Yet, I found the beginning long to finally get to the tower and then not enough time spent there to truly develop clearly and perfectly the ideas that were being brought out. I also didn't like the lie the two girls made and never cleared up. That is an issue. But, this was a fun retelling and has a great amount of potential and beginning talking points on love and beauty

Buy - Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Publisher,

Other Reviews for this Author - The Story Teller's Daughter - Review
                                                    Wild Orchid - Review

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