Sunday, May 6, 2012

Code of Silence

"Telling the Truth Could Get them Killed.
Remaining Silent Could be Worse."
Bookworm's Ranking - 4.5 Worms
Storyline - When Cooper and his friends, Hiro and Gordy, witness a robbery and an attack on a close friend, they take on a Code of Silence to keep themselves safe. But, with holding the only evidence, the robbers having seen one of them, and the police searching for the witness, keeping this secret is more than they thought it would be. Unsure if they can trust the police, they try to deal with things themselves, which digs them deeper into lies and danger. Will they be able to figure out who the robbers are or will they fall into a trap?
Author - Tim Shoemaker
Publisher - Zondervan
Age Group - 12 and up

Content - *May Contain Spoilers* The robbery might be a little intense but not graphic. Cooper and his friends lie several times but learn what it does to themselves and those around them (there is a helpful article from the author at the end which could be used for discussion). Cooper is also determined to protect the ones he cares for, even if it means putting himself in danger. Same with his friends. Hiro desires to tell the truth but is torn between her friends and consceince. Gordy tries to keep the peace and figure out what is right.
Personal Opinion - This book could easily be a 5 Worm book and a new favorite. I believed the fear and struggles of the characters from the very beginning and it lasted all the way through. The mystery was in depth and had me wondering who to trust and believe, who was the real criminal, and what should the three protagonists do next. So many kids believe 'white lies' are no big deal. Even though this was an extreme circumstance, the message that they shouldn't lie and what it could do to them is portrayed perfectly in this book. It was wonderful and I can't wait to share this book with someone else. Also, the hint of more books is driving me nuts, wanting more mysteries by this author. A high recommendation for middle graders who want a good mystery, they won't be able to put it down. I had trouble doing so, wanting to read it instead of doing homework. There for, read at your own risk.

Buy - Amazon

Links - Learn more about the book and author here.

Special Notes - Hinted at more books and there is a note by the author about lying at the end which is worth a read.

Disclaimer - In exchange for an honest review, I received this book for free from Zondervan through the Z Street Team.

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