Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sages of Darkness: HowlSage

"I Saw Things, Things of Pure Evil."
Bookworm's Ranking - 3 Worms

Storyline - Taylor defends the world from demons, like his father before him. It is a dangerous job, to be sure, even for someone who isn't 14 years old. But things get hairy when a HowlSage (kinda like a werewolf) lives past its first day. Taylor and his friend, Ike, and McGarret, his mentor, is having trouble finding out why that is, what is going on with their technology, and what happens if a HowlSage reaches maturity, which hasn't happened in so long it makes it hard to find out. Soon Taylor has to find a way to destroy the demon and find God in the process, or potentially have something worse happen that facing a mature HowlSage.

Author - Brock Eastman

Publisher - Destiny Image

Age Group - 13 and up

Content - Taylor is frustrated with God but learns how to trust and rely on Him again. The demons prepare for a ritual to call forth another demon (I found this a little creepy).

Personal Opinion - This was an interesting read but I think there was too much telling. I felt apart from the book through most of the beginning but it got better in certain parts towards the end. I thought the mixing of old legends, like using garlic or salt against a vampire and others legendary creatures, with the demon aspect was creative. Also, I found the new names for the demons creatures (HowlSage for werewolf) was very cool. I thought the book had good potential in story and characters but the straight-out telling that the story did to inform me, which was most of the beginning, kept me from really entering the story. I think it could have been better but I do want to see where the series goes so I will be reading the rest of the books.

Video -

Disclaimer - In exchange for an honest review, I received this book for free from Destiny Image.

Links - Learn more about this book and the author at:

Special Notes - Book 2, BlizzardSage, comes out next year. I don't know exact date.

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