Sunday, November 30, 2014

52 Little Lessons from Les Miserables

"There is One Spectacle Greater than the Sea:
That is the Sky;
There is One Spectacle Greater than the Sky:
That is the Interior of the Soul."
Bookworm's Ranking - 4.5 Worms
About - Author Bob Welch takes readers on a journey through the popular book, beloved musical, and famous movie, Les Miserables and examines some of the deeper lessons it shares. From sacrifice to loving your enemies, 52 Little Lessons from Les Miserables compare God's word with this Victor Hugo tale and how it calls readers to live a better life and see others as God sees them. The poor can teach us more than one might think.

Author - Bob Welch

Publisher - Thomas Nelson

Age Group - 15 and up

Personal Opinion - Wow, what a great book. A perfect devotional-type book that takes the story of Les Mis and examines lessons and examples that we can take and learn from for our own lives. Each chapter begins with a quote and summary before leading into what Jesus has taught us and/or personal experiences. It made me think of my own life and how I treat or react to others and what I could do to change. One chapter I am still debating over on some of its points but I was very happy with the whole book. A read for those who love Les Mis or using books/movies/popular culture as examples to dig deeper into their faith.

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Buy - Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ChristianBook, Publisher,

Disclaimer - In exchange for an honest review, I received this book for free from the publisher through BookLook.

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