Sunday, September 7, 2014


"Rose Has Always Been Different "
Bookworm's Ranking - 4 Worms
Storyline - Rose is the youngest in her family and wilder than anyone. The love to explore and be free and create beautiful weaving makes her happy, even though it causes her family anguish. But when hard times fall on her family and a talking white bear makes her an offer which will help the ones she cares for, Rose is ready to sacrifice everything she holds dear. When her promise to the bear begins to challenge her curiosity, everything might fall apart. And a mysterious prophecy might be her undoing.

Author - Edith Pattou

Publisher - Magic Carpet Books

Age Group - 15 and up

Content - *May Contain Spoilers* Mother is really superstitious and, yet, despite her family telling her it is nonsense, most of the suspicion come true. Despite nothing happening, a girl knows someone is sleeping in her bed with her. Rose is willing to risk her life and freedom for the ones she loves.

Personal Opinion - Mixed with fairy tales and legends of the Inuit and Norse, East is one of the best fairy tale retellings I have ever read, blending these elements so seamlessly that it feels like this story could have happened in the real world. The cover is what first caught my eye for the novel... And the story does it justice. It enchants right away with suspense and characters whose concerns and experiences are relaitable. From the several points of view, the reader is given the perspectives and growth of each character which is masterfully done. East is written in straight forward telling but its building of  suspense and mystery kept me at the edge of my seat, wanting to know what happens next. There were a few slow spot but I wanted to know how it would end. Rose is an adventurous girl who dreams big and will not let anything stop her. The White Bear is a mystery through much of the novel yet it charming from what you do learn about him. That is actually one of my biggest complaints is that I wish we had gotten to know White Bear more with more of his perspective in the story. I wish I had seen more of his change, struggle, and growth. The only other thing that got to me was the novel began not doing the same time as the events of Rose and her family but it wasn't developed. But, East has found a place among the retelling of fairy tales that it rightfully deserves.

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Buy - Amazon, Barnes and Noble,

Awards - A list can be found on the Author's Website

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